Friday, November 11, 2005

Enter the Chicken

I've listened to Enter the Chicken twice, so it's time to babble about it little. I had trouble understanding most of what Serj and Efrem Schulz were singing (yelling) in "We Are One." Are my ears getting old? I don't think so as I can still translate some of what Robert Plant sings into something resembling English. "Three Fingers" with Saul Williams is cool, very cool. EmptyV's website has an article about Saul Williams where he says that he just came into the studio and added the vocals, but never actually met Buckethead. "Running from the Light" is pretty good - a mix of mellow & big (louder and dramatic, a bit power-balladish). Fingers & Light both have some nice smooth guitar bits.

"Coma" is mellow; I liked the vocals by Gigi and Maura Davis. "Waiting Here" is nice and Serj does a good job of singing, not yelling; I think it's the best vocal track on the album. I can't figure out why this is, but somehow Bucket is channeling Jimi on this track. I can't put my finger on it, but it works. As for "Funbus," I just don't like singers who usually growl, it really wrecks the track. It has some excellent guitar bits, though.

"The Hand" should be on a horror movie/TV show soundtrack like "We Are One". I always like hearing Maximum Bob, especially when he's laughing like a lunatic. I also like the insane operatic touch from Ani Maldjian. I'm all fired up for the Deli Creeps CD. I've loved "Nottingham Lace" since it was available as a download a while back. This is the best track on the album, if not the best track by anyone this year. The crazy part is that it's even better live.


Blogger vbg22 said...

Some people have been leaving spam comments here. Why do you think that a Buckethead blog is a good place for promoting your knitting sites? Hello!

6:19 PM  

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