Monday, November 16, 2009

Buckethead Signature Les Paul

Gibson has release the Buckethead Signature Les Paul to the wild and it's a monster. I won't even try to describe all the details, so see what Gibson has to say. The price tag is a hefty $4300, so start saving today. If only it could make me play like Buckethead...

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

New Death Cube K release

No sooner than I wrote that I haven't seen anything recent, RareNoiseRecords makes a liar out of me. Well, not a liar, just out of it. They have released the latest Death Cube K (it's an anagram, figure it out) CD/Download called Torn From Black Space. Our friends from Wikipedia have a write-up you should check out.

... and a new gig (for me, not Buckethead)

I haven't seen much news in Bucketheadland since the last tour and CD release, but I just though I'd mention that I'm doing some work for a non-profit called 4D Network. Here's the fancy intro statement: The 4D Network is an interconnected group of internationally-minded people who are dedicated to working towards a common vision of a secure, peaceful, sustainable and just world, where all humans have universal rights and adequate quality of life, in which humanity is free to create, push back the boundaries of knowledge and understanding, and realize its full potential. One example of what we're working on is the Millennium Project development goals. Next entry will have something to do with Buckethead, I promise.